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Tuesday 27 January 2009

Conquests, Ominipotence and Taming

Why is history so concerned with conquests? Why is religion interested in conquests? The whole notion of a conquest is bizarre and contradictory. One gains at the cost of another. One crushes and panders to ego and feels boosted on pride. History speaks of the conquests of nations.
The halls of stately homes are filled with the relics of slaughtered animals, the killing of which gave someone with a gun (but obviously very little else to soothe their ego) a sense of achievement. Religion speaks of conquering passion; conquering the will; conquering a mythical Satan who is somehow in conflict with an all-powerful, all-loving God (does that make sense)...why? Why the need to kill or to crush in order to be who we are?
Isn't there a far more beautiful alternative in the notion of taming? In 'The Little Prince', Antoine de Saint Exupery has fox speaking to the lovely little prince about 'creating ties' - taming. When one is tamed, he says, they work together, become friends, stop hiding, stop fearing. Taming isn't about one-upmanship or crushing anything; it's about understanding.
The pictures on this post are virtually identical to me in their meaning and yet, for centuries, the holders of the religious beliefs that have upheld the one on the left have tried to conquer the beliefs of those who consider the one on the right. The left is St. Francis taming the wolf of Gubbio, whom the people of the town wanted to kill. St. Francis 'tamed' the wild beast and pointed out that he was only killing their animals and children because he was hungry. The picture on the right is from the Tarot - the image of strength - which depicts the ability to tame, rather than conquer the passions and the will, and bring the whole self into accord, rather than discord. Same message in both.
Trying to conquer anything or anyone is a ridiculous task, isn't it? Why do we ever call conquerors 'great'? Some we have made into heroes. Some we have made into saints. But surely everyone of any sense knows that the only taming we have to do is within our own selves. If we concentrated on that, we would be able to respond as St. Francis did, or as the woman on the Tarot card does, and see the truth in each other. There's no need to evangelise or to conquer anyone. To attempt to do so is to set ourselves up as cleverer than everyone else - to set ourselves up as God. If believers in any faith truly believe that God (whatever their image of Him/Her) is omnipresent, then surely they must see that every other human being and every other creature or aspect of nature is equally imbued with the same divinity and therefore, why the need to convert, to conquer....why not just 'tame' - create ties - and live symbiotically?

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